David Weissteiner

Computer Science Student @ Graz University of Technology

© Copyright Elisa Zöchner (Instagram)

I am currently in the second year of my Master’s degree in Computer Science at Graz University of Technology, with Data Science as my major and Statistics as my minor. My interests mainly tend towards machine learning systems and federated learning, with a particular attraction for exploring the field of bathymetry at the moment.

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selected publications

  1. Federated Data Preparation, Learning, and Debugging in Apache SystemDS
    Sebastian Baunsgaard , Matthias Boehm , Kevin Innerebner , and 7 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management , 2022
  2. Multi-tenant Federated Learning
    David Weissteiner
    Aug 2022
    Supervised by Matthias Boehm and Arnab Phani